The annual high mass of the European In-Cosmetics event is now over for 2 weeks. We are sincerely glad to have met so many interesting people. We were also very excited to show in further details the place of HCS (High Content Screening) in active ingredients discovery process, and to speak of its effectiveness and its relevance during the R&D process. Feel free to let us know your draft studies and we will work hand in hand to provide you a suitable protocol, with quantified results as well as striking pictures.
We also take advantage of this post to thank BCI (Bretagne Commerce International) and CBB (CapBiotek) for their constant support as well as during the show.
Latest news: Come and join us next 3rd and 4th May in Rennes for the free ELRIGfr congress on Lab Automation. We will present 3 posters on genotoxicity and neurotoxicity.
We look forward to seeing you there!