HCS, HCA & Biology
microRNA expression in human primary cells: an atlas
The first extensive atlas of microRNA expression in human primary cells !
HCS, HCA & Biology
Assessing GPCRs signaling using fluorescent bioscensors
Near half of the current drugs target GPCRs signaling !
HCS, HCA & Biology
Quantitative mRNA imaging in a small yet entire brain
RNA fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH)
HCS, HCA & Biology
Cell Atlas, a comprehensive image-based map of the subcellular protein distribution
More than 300,000 images available !
Promissing encounters at in-cosmetics Global London
How cellular imaging and image analysis can be used !
HCS, HCA & Biology
Phenotypic characterization on liver spheroïds
3D cell models are now attracting a huge interest from scientists working both on toxicity and pharmacology assay development. They are considered more relevant at mimicking the in vivo situation. However, phenotypic assays on these models can be challenging, and are at least more complex.
HCS, HCA & Biology
Accurate quantification of fluorescence in 3D spheroids ?
3D spheroids are more and more used in High Content Screening
HCS, HCA & Biology
New promising method for in situ labeling of genomic loci in fixed cells
Despite continuous improvement of DNA FISH, a method that has been extensively used for years, it still requires harsh treatments to allow probe hybridization.
ESTIV2016 : a feedback
This year, the ESTIV (European Society of Toxicology In Vitro) congress took place at Juan-les-Pins, from October 17 to October 20, and was about In Vitro Toxicology for Human Safety
HCS, HCA & Biology
Nikon : Results of the 2016 micrography competition
The first place has been won by Dr. Oscar Ruiz
StressOX event
HCS Pharma will be present at the stressOX event, organised by Adebiotech at Biocitech
HCS Pharma est maintenant accrédité pour le Crédit Impôt Recherche
HCS Pharma a reçu l’agrément CIR (Crédit Impôt Recherche) du Ministère de L’Enseignement Supérieur et de la Recherche. Cette accréditation signe la reconnaissance par l’administration française de notre capacit
HCS, HCA & Biology
Lattice light-sheet microscopy: spatiotemporal resolution high enough to follow fast, nanoscale dynamic processes
This new microscopy technology is a promising tool for in vivo 3D imaging of fast dynamic processes in cells and embryos. Lattice light-sheet microscopy allows fast 3D superresolution, with lower photobleaching and phototoxicity.
HCS, HCA & Biology
Activity of neurons through live cell imaging
Ever wanted to see the activity of the neurons from a almost entire brain ?