It is a great pleasure for us to welcome a new member in our scientific advisory board, Dr Samuel Meignan! He will for sure help us to develop relevant models related to oncology therapeutic area.
Dr. Samuel Meignan is a senior researcher at the Inserm U908 laboratory ‘Cell Plasticity and Cancer’, and the head of the team ‘Tumorigenesis and Resistance to Treatment’ in Oscar Lambret Centre (Lille, France).
He will help us to study the impact of the extracellular matrix’ physico-chemical properties on tumor cells growth and phenotype. Preliminary results obtained with BIOMIMESYS® Oncology suggest that a higher elastic modulus increases cancer cells’ proliferation in vitro… Our hypothesis is that the exponential phase of tumor growth in vivo might be related to the physical properties of the surrounding environment. We are looking forward to collaborate with Oscar Lambret Centre in this topic!
Welcome Samuel!