This year, the ESTIV (European Society of Toxicology In Vitro) congress took place at Juan-les-Pins, from October 17 to October 20, and was about In Vitro Toxicology for Human Safety Assessment.
It has been a very fruitfull event regarding both the scientific content and the networking possibilities. Very intense and complete sessions about state of the art regarding in vitro toxicology models and toxicology science were held for the 4 days of the event.
Among all the very good and informative presentations, we were really glad to attend the ones done by collaborators HCS Pharma work with. Also, a poster, showing the results obtained from a collaborative work between HCS Pharma and Galderma, has been presented and discussed with visitors interested in genotoxicity assessment. This poster, about assessment of primary DNA damages with gammaH2AX and comet assays on primary human keratinocytes, is now accessible on demand !
We thank all the scientists we met, either those with whom HCS Pharma already collaborate, the ones with whom we have personnaly worked in the past, and those with whom we had interesting discussions !
To conclude, an aphorism from George Box, dated back to the 70’s, has been cited many times : “All models are wrong, but some are useful.” Among the described futur useful models, many involved 3D culture methods, microfluidics and/or co-culture, with cell lines or stem cells, to better mimic the in vivo situation. Very nice developments were shown, among others, about liver and neuronal models. It strengthens the direction HCS Pharma has taken, as we already have an expanding expertise in these fields.