HCS Pharma team enjoyed attending BioFit 2018 and hosted events in Lille last week! Our business developer Nathalie had many fruitful BtoB meetings along the convention, and our study director Elodie could meet lots of people interested in our imaging technology and BIOMIMESYS products while on HCS pharma booth (D4/2) within Lille Northern France Biocluster.

Our CEO Nathalie also attended Boehringer Ingelheim partnering day on the 3rd of December, where she presents our innovation tools, as BIOMIMESYS technology, to enhance in vitro drug discovery process. She was also invited on the 4th of december for in SMMIL-E/Yncrea event, where she presented our ongoing collaborative projects dealing with microfluidics and micro-environment for new relevant in vitro models in cancer research.

Elodie participated in Roche Day about health innovation in our region, where she particularly appreciated the talks about connected medicine and the presentations of innovative start-ups. She would like to thank Joëlle Martel from Roche for her warm welcome, and Jean-Pierre Pruvo for his talk about the regional project in neuroradiology, his highly positive and inspiring words!

Of course, we warmly thank the sponsors and all people who have taken part in the organization of the conferences, the hosted events and the afterwork parties… making this edition of BioFit so stimulating!

We are ready for the next meeting in Marseille, Biofit 2019 december 10th & 11th!

BIOFIT 2019 in Marseille
Categories: NewsOur news


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