The annual SCMC congress (Société Cerveau et Maladies Cérébrovasculaires – Brain and Cerebrovascular diseases Society) took place in Lille last week, in the Faculty of Medecine.

The congress was organized in three sessions. The first session was about cerebrovascular development and maturation. The conferences began with a lecture about blood-brain interfaces specificity during brain development, by Dr Jean-François Ghersi-Egea . Then PhD students presented their works on this topic, for exemple about the impact of prenatal exposure to alcohol on retinal vascular network (Marion Dumanoir, INSERM 1245). Our PhD student Véronique De Conto presented her PhD work about the development of a 3-dimensional in vitro brain model including the microenvironment (BIOMIMESYS® Brain) for drug discovery in Parkinson’s disease. If you want more information about it, please contact us!

The second session dealt with pathological brain aging. Pr. Roxana O Carare presented her research about Aβ elimination along the perivascular pathway in Alzheimer’s disease. Several conferences were about cerebral hemorrhages, for instance the impact of metabolic disorders and effect of gender on cognitive deficit related to cerebral microhemorrhages (Maud Pérault, Romain Barus, UMR1171).

To finish the last session was about lifestyle effect on brain aging, in particular the impact of meditation (Dr. Clémence Tomasso), arachidonic acid-rich diet (Pr. Jean-Luc Olivier), and physical activity (Marina Cefis, INSERM U1093) on brain aging. Romain Versele (LBHE, EA2465) won the presentation prize for his talk about the impact of ketone bodies on blood-brain barrier dysfunction in Alzheimer’s disease. Congratulations Romain!

Thanks to SCMC board, including Elodie Vandenhaute from HCS Pharma, for this very instructive congress that took place in a friendly atmosphere!


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