Elodie Vandenhaute (our project director), Véronique De Conto (our project leader in in vitro pharmacology) and Natacha Perrin (our trainee in neurosciences) were present at the annual SCMC (Société Cerveau et Maladies Cérébrovasculaires – The French Brain and Cerebrovascular Diseases Society) congress, which took place on the 16th of June in Paris.

The day started with a symposium about biomarkers and their different applications, in particular for brain imaging, presented by Thomas Bonnard, Samuel Valable and Sébastien Mériaux. Then several presentations of PhD Students followed, all of them related to brain disorders studies using clinical data, animal models and/or in vitro models. Véronique and Natacha were glad to present their research on Parkinson’s Disease (PD) using the BIOMIMESYS® Brain Hydroscaffold™, a hyaluronic acid based-matrix which mimics the cerebral Extracellular Matrix (ECM) (click here or contact us for more information).

Véronique has presented her PhD works about the importance of both cellular and matricial microenvironments in cerebral in vitro models for phenotypic screening, in the frame of Parkinson’s disease. Then Natacha presented her first results on the modification of the matrix in a parkinsonian in vitro model induced by 6-hydroxydopamine. Her internship work is the continuation of Veronique’s PhD project, which was focused on the cell responses. Indeed, more and more studies show that the ECM is involved in pathologies, including in neurodegenerative diseases. This is why we now want to study the matrix modifications in pathological conditions thanks our BIOMIMESYS® Brain matrix, with the aim to develop innovative drug targeting the microenvironment – and not only the cells!

The day continued with the plenary conference of Vincent Prévot on neurovascular and neuroendocrine consequences of Covid-19. This day was very rich in interesting exchanges concerning brain diseases!

Thanks to the SCMC members, the organizers and all participants for their greetings and the opportunity they gave us to present our results. We are looking forward to participating to their next event!


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