The first edition of OncoLille Days congress took place from November 2th to 4th, 2022 in Lille. All 3 days were very rich in interesting presentations about interdisciplinary research in oncology, including biology, mathematics, human sciences, etc.

Our project leader Véronique De Conto was pleased to present her poster about our 3D cell culture technology BIOMIMESYS® Oncology, an hyaluronic acid-based hydroscaffold enriched in collagen I, which mimics the Extracellular Matrix of tumoral microenvironment. In this way, BIOMIMESYS® allows to increase the relevance of in vitro models and thus to improve the correlation between in vitro and in vivo results.

As a great example, Marie Fernandes, who works in OncoLille in collaboration with HCS Pharma, presented also a poster about her studies about lung cancer in BIOMIMESYS®. Her results showed that the in vitro behaviour of cancerous cells in BIOMIMESYS® Oncology matrix is very close to the behavior of cancerous cells in humanized-mice, contrary to in 2D cell culture. BIOMIMESYS® represents therefore a great alternative to reduce animal testing in research and in drug discovery.

Moreover, Julien Cicero dispensed an oral presentation about his PhD work in OncoLille/LBHE (under the supervision of Robert-Alain Toillon and Caroline Mysiorek) in collaboration with HCS Pharma. In this presentation he showed that the in vivo breast cancer metastasis behavior is different between brain and liver in mice. Analyzing breast cancer metastasis behavior in vitro in BIOMIMESYS® Brain and Liver matrix, he observed the same differences as in vivo. These works highlight than the organ-specificity of the matrix is crucial in cancer propagation. Julien won a prize for the best oral presentation, congratulations Julien!

To finish, Thomas Meynard, PhD student in OncoLille (under the supervision of Vincent Senez and Isabelle Van Seuningen) in collaboration with HCS Pharma too, presented a poster showing that it is possible to include BIOMIMESYS® in a microfluidic chip to co-culture Cancer-Associated fibroblasts and cancerous cells, with the aim to increase the complexity and the relevance of in vitro cancer models.

Thanks to our collaborators working with BIOMIMESYS in OncoLille Institute (Lille, France)!

As a conclusion, these 3 days very highly interesting and rich, both in the presentations and in the discussions between participants.

Do not hesitate to visit our posters online, and to contact us if you have questions about 3D cell culture!


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