Automated Comet assay
The comet assay is a sensitive, well established technique for quantifying DNA damage in eukaryotic cells. Compatible with the detection of a wide range of DNA damaging agents, its principle consists in migration of fragmented DNA in an electrophoresis gel (damaged DNA forming the tail of the comet), while intact DNA moves at a slower rate (head of the comet). The percentage of fragmented DNA in the comet tail is a direct measure of DNA damage.
Micronucleus and H2AX assay
In response to clastogen DNA double strand breaks, H2AX is phosphorylated within minutes at Ser 139, and is then referred as γH2AX. Contrary to γH2AX, micronuclei are a late marker of damages either to DNA and be related to aneugens nor clastogens effect. By detecting both H2AX and micronuclei on our high content screening plateform, our assay provide a efficient tool to assess the genotoxicity properties of your compounds.