Last week we were glad to attend the kick-off meeting of MIMLIVEROnChip, funded by the french National Agency for Research (ANR). It was held in UTC Compiègne, and the project is coordinated by Pr Cecile Legallais (BIOMÉCANIQUE ET BIOINGÉNIERIE (BMBI Laboratory) – UMR CNRS 7338).
This project aims at developing a universal “plug and play” platform, flexible and modular, mimicking the major events occurring in the liver sinusoid: barrier/sieving effect resulting from the specific fenestration of liver sinusoidal endothelial cells, biotransformation and metabolism in the hepatocytes themselves. This platform will ultimately be validated by testing relevant compounds, in a workpackage lead by HCS Pharma.
This collaborative project gathers BMBI laboratory (Cecile Legallais, Eric Leclerc), Fluigent company, UMI CNRS 2820 LIMMS (SMMILE lab, Fabrice Soncin), IEMN (Anthony Treizebré) and HCS Pharma.
We are looking forward to working with you on this very exciting project! Thank you all for sharing your experience with us, and for the interesting discussions last Thursday. In particular, we would like to thank Cecile Legallais for organizing such a great day!
Don’t forget to take a look at our poster : “Development of a new liver-on-chip including BIOMIMESYS® technology for mimicking the liver extracellular matrix: first results and perspectives“