We are happy to tell you that HCS Pharma, SMMiL-E team (Seeding Microsystems in Medecine in Lille – European-Japanese Technologies against Cancer, CNRS UMI-2820 LIMMS/IIS) and Institut d’Electronique, de Micro-Electronique et de Nanotechnologie (IEMN) have successfully applied to a LabCom grant (‘COMmon LABoratory’)!

A LabCom aims at gathering two entities (namely, an academic laboratory and a company) within a mixed public-private structure, to pursue common R&D goals and share common knowledge and know-how, as a way to foster innovation through collaboration.

Our LabCom is called BioPharMEMS, with the aim to design and industrialize new pharmacological in vitro assays for the screening of compounds/biopharmaceuticals in 3D, combining microfluidics, BioMEMS systems and BIOMIMESYS®. The idea is to allow the development of more complex and relevant cellular structures for predictive therapeutical screens (e.g. reconstitution of a tumor and its vascularization for anti-cancer drugs), in a format allowing a higher throughput than existing systems. These devices will include our 3D cell culture hydroscaffold™ BIOMIMESYS®, as a biomimetic material for mimicking the extracellular matrix.

Blood vessel reconstructed within a microfluidic device, designed in the Institut pour la Recherche sur le Cancer de Lille (IRCL, where SMiLL-E team is ).

We are looking forward to starting the LabCom with SMMiL-E team and IEMN colleagues! Stay tuned to know more about the project itself; a website and regular news will be published soon… The logo is already here:

Logo of BioPharMEMs project

We would like to thank our partners for this brand new & exciting BioPharMEMs project, and the Region Hauts-de-France for selecting our LabCom proposal! We are looking forward to organizing the inauguration with all of you in HCS Pharma laboratories…


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