The pharmaceutical industry is in upheaval. Since 20 years, inefficiency of pharmaceutical industry to turn its discoveries into new drugs force them to change their model. After target-based screening, they come back to phenotypic screening by high content screening and by using more relevant models as 3D cell models. In the same time, they share their tools, their expertise and now their chemical libraries with academic research labs and even with competitors to collaborate with them. Nice example of open innovation are with Sanofi and Astrazeneca. The Sanofi site in Straboug was become an open access innovation patform since 2014 and they are involved in public-private & French-German partnering called Ksilink project. In the same time, Astrazeneca performed the same thing in Cambridge UK. Whereas before the chemical librairies represented the treasure of each pharmaceutical industry, now the mind change and the model is to exchange chemical librairies. AstraZeneca has recently made agreements with Sanofi and Syngenta to exchange 240,000 novel compounds for screening at no cost. Another model of compound sharing is the collaboration between AstraZeneca and Bayer, whereby each company makes available its entire compound library for screening of the partner’s target.
The success to find new drugs is in open innovation and partnerhip?
Full article “Toward a hit for every target” from AstraZeneca :
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