We were really pleased to organize our first scientific advisory board last week. We have already started to work with all our scientific board members to develop new innovative cellular models .
We welcome in this board Karim Si-Tayeb, Romeo Cecchelli, David Devos and Georg Haase. We are working with Karim to differentiate hepatocytes from patients cells (iPS) in a 3D context in a really great collaborative RHU project (CHOPIN). We are collaborating with Romeo, David and Georg to develop new human neurodegenerative cellular models, by using innovative neuronal cultures and by combining them with the human BBB model from LBHE (Artois university).
Brainstorming, exchange and collaboration were the keywords of this meeting, in a convivial and open-minded atmosphere.
We enjoy working with experts in our collaborative projects. To each board member, thank you for your commitment and our fruitful exchanges!