In a recent article, Dr Antony Orth from the Australian Research Council’s, Centre of Excellence for Nanoscale BioPhotonics (CNBP)  explains how to use the photobleaching phenomenon to increase the potential of fluorescence microscopy. The BAMM technique (bleaching-assisted multichannel microscopy) takes advantage of the rate of photobleaching to identify a fluorophore (instead of a specific emission wavelength). Therefore it makes possible the use of several fluorescent molecules that emit in the same wavelength range simultaneously in a sample! Dr Antony Orth shows that it’s a way to use from 8 to 12 fluorophores at the same time and extract much more information than ever…

BAMM technique. Credit: CNBP

BAMM technique. Credit: CNBP

Sources :

Grégory MAUBON

Grégory MAUBON is Chief Data Officer and digital coordinator at HCS Pharma, a biotech startup focused in high content screening and complex diseases. He manages IT missions and leads digital usages linked to company needs. He is also a Augmented Reality Evangelist (presenter and lecturer) since 2008, where he created and founded in 2010 RA'pro (the augmented reality promotion association). He helped many companies (in several domains) to define precisely their augmented reality needs and supported them in the implementation.


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