Find below some of the most asked questions about BIOMIMESYS®. You can use the search engine or just scroll down.
- How could I order BIOMIMESYS® plates?
- What kinds of BIOMIMESYS® hydroscaffolds are suitable co-colture of HUVEC and Lymphoinoids cells
- What is BIOMIMESYS® hydroscaffold? What are its physicochemical properties?
- What is the thickness of BIOMIMESYS® hydroscaffold after seeding?
- What is the average size of the pores in BIOMIMESYS® hydroscaffold?
- How and how long should I store BIOMIMESYS® plates before the experiment?
- What are the assets of BIOMIMESYS® compared to other 3D cell culture systems?
- Are there testing plates to evaluate BIOMIMESYS® technology?
- Which formats are available for BIOMIMESYS® plates?
- Is it possible to get customized BIOMIMESYS® plates?
- How to be informed when new BIOMIMESYS® plates will be available? Could I join a R&D program for BIOMIMESYS® development?
- Which type of cells can be seeded in BIOMIMESYS® hydroscaffold?
- How to seed cells in BIOMIMESYS®?
- How do cells behave in BIOMIMESYS®? Do they remodel the hydroscaffold during their growth?
- May I use a part of the hydroscaffolds from one plate, and use the remaining ones later on?
- Which techniques are compatible with BIOMIMESYS® technology?
- Where can I find existing protocols related to BIOMIMESYS® technology?
- Is it possible to retrieve cells/spheroids from BIOMIMESYS®?
- Is BIOMIMESYS® adapted to automation?
- I am not sure how to use BIOMIMESYS®. Who should I contact to help me with my protocols?
- Is BIOMIMESYS Adipose Tissue suitable for in vivo implantation? If so, should I dissolve the scaffold??
- Which BIOMIMESYS® hydroscaffold can be used with Melanoma cells? Which BIOMIMESYS® hydroscaffold can be used with cancer cells?
- Which BIOMIMESYS® hydroscaffold can be used with neuronal cells?
- How to know the expiration date of the BIOMIMESYS® products?
- After seeding cells in BIOMIMESYS, I see bubbles in the matrix. Is it normal?
- What kinds of BIOMIMESYS® hydroscaffolds are suitable for Jurkat, HL60 and TK6 cell lines on which he works?
- Is BIOMIMESYS® hydroscaffold suitable for immunohistochemistry?
- Which primary hepatocyte cells do you recommend for culture in BIOMIMESYS Liver?
- Is BIOMIMESYS® hydroscaffold compatible with Rotary biorector method?
- What kinds of BIOMIMESYS® hydroscaffolds is suitable co-colture of stromal cell
- I have to make spheroids with HUVEC cells, what kinds of BIOMIMESYS® hydroscaffolds is suitable for this culture
- I would like to know if the hydroscaffold can be taken out of the wells and if so, how?
- Do you have a protocol to retrieve cells?
- Is BIOMIMESYS® hydroscaffold suitable for Ipsc/Stem Cells differentiation?
- Which type of hyaluronidase is recommended to digest BIOMIMESYS® hydroscaffold?
- I would like to know which is the best hydroscaffold to use with coloncarcinoma cells: LS174T, SW620, SW480
- What kinds of BIOMIMESYS® hydroscaffolds are suitable for keratinocytes
- I would like to know if a hydroscaffold can be transferred from its plate to another one when it is still dry?
- I would like to know if I can hydrate the scaffold with medium and keep it without cells and than add cells later on
- Which species the ECM components (collagen I, IV and fibronectin) in BIOMIMESYS hydroscaffold (other than hyaluronic acid) are from ? Are they of mammalian origin?
- Which kind of BIOMIMESYS® hydroscaffold is the best for HT-29 cells?
- Which types of vitality assays have been tested or can be used with BIOMIEMSYS® hydroscaffolds?