Skin commensals are crucial in the maintenance of the epithelial barrier function, regulation of the host immune system, and prevent invasion of other pathogenic microbes.
In this article, published in September 2018, Burmeister et al show that Staphlylococcus, Streptococcus, Pseudomonas, Corynebacterium, and anaerobes have both beneficial and harmful effects depending on the hosts’ cutaneous environment. This paper also summarizes clinical applications that target the microbiome to improve wound healing. Indeed, in acute wound, production of lipoteichoic acid by S epidermis reduces inflammation and keratinocytes express anti-microbial peptides (AMPs) in response to this microorganism, provides protection for pathogenic bacterium. Supplementation with probiotics (Lactobacillus reuri) accelerates wound healing although the mechanism is unknown.
All things considered, initial evidence suggests that probiotics may be used in conjunction with antibiotics for the purposes of accelerated wound healing. Likewise, probiotics are widely commercially available for gastrointestinal issues, using probiotic organisms to restore the skin microbiome and improve cutaneous healing also has promise.
If you are interested in skin microbiota models, please contact us and find here our dedicated service on Skin microbiota.