Thomas Kirchhausen, Eric Betzig et al. publish an article in Sciences about SIM (structured illumination microscopy) and the observation of moving molecules inside cells. The incredible spatial and time resolution give the opportunity to see for exemple proteins which pass the cell membrane.

On the surface of a living cell at any given time, hundreds of tiny bubbles are popping into existence, surrounding and incorporating proteins, hormones, fats, and the occasional bacteria or virus. But until now the details of this activity were inferred – you couldn’t actually see it.

Li et. al., “Extended Resolution Structured Illumination Imaging of Endocytic and Cytoskeletal Dynamics,” Science.

Source : New Instrument Captures the Secret Lives of Cells –

Aditional informations : Imaging Techniques Set a New Standard for Super-Resolution in Live Cells

Grégory MAUBON

Grégory MAUBON is Chief Data Officer and digital coordinator at HCS Pharma, a biotech startup focused in high content screening and complex diseases. He manages IT missions and leads digital usages linked to company needs. He is also a Augmented Reality Evangelist (presenter and lecturer) since 2008, where he created and founded in 2010 RA'pro (the augmented reality promotion association). He helped many companies (in several domains) to define precisely their augmented reality needs and supported them in the implementation.


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