Vaihere Cheung obtained her technology baccalaureate in Sciences and Laboratory Techniques (STL) in 2018 at La Mennais, in French Polynesia. Afterwards, she came to Metropolitan France to pursue her studies in biological engineering at the Technological Institute in Lyon University. In this context, she performed an internship in two laboratories of analysis for 1 month; one specialized in bacteriology and the other one in chemistry, in French Polynesia.
She has just joined us in HCS Pharma for 3 months to work on the development of cerebral in vitro models in three dimensions including microenvironment, with our PhD student Véronique De Conto. Her main objective is to study the importance of the microenvironment in neuronal cell culture, in particular the impact Extracellular Matrix (ECM) on cell viability, thanks to our hydroscaffold BIOMIMESYS® Brain, which mimics the ECM. She will also optimize protocols for neuronal diffrentiation in BIOMIMESYS®, and improve the relevance of our Luhmes-based cerebral in vitro model by complexing it with astrocytes, for drug discovery in Parkinson’s disease!
Welcome on board Vaihere!