We are glad to inform you that we will organise the next webinar about BIOMIMESYS Oncology hydroscaffold and its applications in cancer research on the 23rd and 25th of November. Our project leader Elodie Vandenhaute will talk to you about how to use BIOMIMESYS for modelling cancer tissues and responses to drugs, and what its advantages are in this context. At the end of the webinar, she will answer to your questions.
- Tuesday, November 23, 2021 – 1PM (CET) / 8PM (CST) / 9PM (JST) / 7AM (EST) / 8PM (KST)
- Thursday, November 25, 2021 – 9AM (CET) / 4PM (CST) / 5PM (JST) / 3AM (EST) / 4PM (KST)
Online, using zoom.us and live on Youtube
Solid tumors are associated with a modified microenvironment, in particular an enhanced collagen content and increased stiffness at the level of the extracellular matrix (ECM). These ECM changes are now recognized as important drivers of cancer initiation and progression, and also impact the responses of cancerous cells to treatments.
Made of native ECM components, BIOMIMESYS® is a patented 3D cell culture system reproducing the extracellular matrix (ECM). It is different from standard hydrogels because it is a unique hydroscaffold, i.e. exhibing a dual behavior between a solid scaffold and a hydrogel, as the in vivo ECM. Its features make it easy to handle, and allows to tune the composition and stiffness of the matrix, allowing to mimic the key features of the cellular microenvironment (including its stiffness), either physiological or pathological, in a ready-to-use format.
In this webinar, we will present BIOMIMESYS® Oncology properties and how it can be used in cancer research through results obtained by confocal imaging and examples of use by academic laboratories. The experiments were performed in static conditions (multi-well plates), and lastly in perfused conditions (microfluidic chips).