We were really happy to participate to the Workshop on BioMEMS and Cancer Research in Lille on the 15th of December organised by Pr. Dominique Collard from SMILL-E in Lille and Pr. Hiroyuki Fujita from LIMMS/CNRS-IIS in Japan.
Innovative models using microfluidic systems and iPS were presented during this session. Eric Leclerc from LIMMS/CNRS-IIS has shown results on iPS differenciated in microfluidic into hepatocytes to develop liver on a chip system (research from iLite program). They use the differenctiation protocol of Karim Si-Tayeb et al, 2010 and they have demonstrated that the use of microfluidic induces a gradient of O2 which allows to have differenciation at the beginning of microfluidic system into periportal hepatocytes and at the end of the microfluidic system into perivenous hepatocytes. Cécile Legallais from BMBI UMR CNRS 7338, UTC, Compiègne, has shown a nice microfluidic system including hepatocytes-on-a-chip followed by kidney-on-a-chip. On this device, they have shown that toxicity due to metabolites can be observed on this 2 organs-system and not on device of kidney-on-a-chip. They have also multiplexed microfluidic devices on a SBS format to implement this device in a screening grid in preclinical research. Another impressive presentation by Pr. Shoji Takeuchi, from The University of Tokyo was about cellular therapy by using cells cultivated in long fibers (start-up in Japan : www.cellfiber.jp). Fabrice Soncin, from UMR 8161 IBL, has also presented a system with microfluidic colonised by HUVEC cells, completed with 3D cancer cell culture to follow angiogenesis during tumoral progression. This system was really of interest to have an in vitro tumor progression model really closer to in vivo situation.
All these presentations were really interesting and promise very interesting and strong partnership.