Yesterday Julien Cicero defended his PhD thesis in OncoLille Institute, about the role of neurotrophins and related receptors in brain metastasis of triple negative breast cancer. What a great thesis defense, we enjoyed a lot his very clear presentation and his responses to the questions of the committee. Perfect time since we are still in October, in this month of awareness about breast cancers (“Octobre rose“): treatments are improving, researchers and doctors are working for that, but to all women, please do not forget prevention! An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.
@JulienCicero, we are looking forward to see your results soon published, including the 3D models you set up in BIOMIMESYS® to study and compare brain and liver metastasis in organotypic matrices. We are proud to have (humbly) participated in your PhD journey with our hydroscaffolds, our expertise, and our HAPiX imaging platform (ImageXpress, Molecular Devices).
Thanks to you, Julien, for all of your work these last years, we wish you all the best for your future scientific carreer! No doubt you will manage the next step.
And of course to your PhD supervisors, Pr Robert-Alain Toillon (Canther laboratory, lead by Dr Isabelle Van Seuningen, in Xuefen Le Bourhis’ team “Cellular plasticity and cancer”, OncoLille institute) and Pr Caroline Mysiorek (LBHE team lead by Pr Fabien Gosselet, Artois University). What a nice collaboration, which is still ongoing for many more years!