Sometimes, you talk with some people about real important things like health, the future of medicine, the central position of patient or the benefits of non-profit projects in research and you discover that you share the same vision, same values for “the good of humanity”. It’s what happened with Galeon‘s team few weeks ago and we are very happy to announce a partnership with this amazing company.
We presented our STO last week at the Healthcare Blockchain Summit 2022, organized at the iconic Station F in Paris. Our talk is available below (in french).
Galeon offers a solution to connects hospitals through a shared patient record. They help caregivers to structure data and, by this way, they transform this “data oil” in useful information. Not only structured information help professional in they everyday jobs but also it will be available to feed new medical research and discovery of new treatments.
Where Galeon is even more innovative is in the governance of research strategy. After a successful ICO (Initial Coin Offering, a type of funding using cryptocurrencies), the holders of the $GALEON will be active in The Galeon DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organisation) and will vote to support projects they will think important. This is the true revolution, it will allow to fund non-profit projects with major impact for the good of humanity.
Again, we deeply share this vision of medical research for the benefits of humanity. Some will consider us naive but prove them we are wrong 🙂
=> You want to be active in our STO? Go to the EDSX website to discover the project!
=> You want to support Galeon initiative? Discover the blockchain and buy $GALEON tokens!